I need some ladies to help me out with a few questions I have (few different questions).....? - what position should the cervix be in right before period begins
1. What are the different types of cervical mucus, and when a womans cycle would be more likely to know the different types?
2. At 8 to 9 days last ovulation, if the woman had thought when they ovulate, which provided for physical evidence? (Type of cervical mucus, it has a blue color to the vagina, cervix, and that their position is strong and firm, sweet and low (and vice versa), and after identifying the relationship between what happens time and basal body are considered high ?)
3. How fast are frequent urination begin? Have you usually start before your period of absence, or shortly after, and what is often taken into account? (Example) - When a woman usually uses the bathroom only once every 4-5 hours, then starts the toilet every hour, is very common use for them?
4. If a week later, the women design Implantation cramping around this
Types of cervical mucus is dry (ie) no electricity, sticky, creamy (like lotion), water and protein
Watery CM and protein will be fruitful. The egg white CM is very elastic. It can be extended by about 2 cm before it breaks. As the cycle approaches the fertile CM a lot of changes in the order listed above. But not all women experience all kinds. So you have to experiment to learn about their own CM.
2. 8-9 DPO, which have not been implemented may be missing. The installation can occur between 6-12 DPO.
3. I have 6 weeks, 5 days pregnant. I'm mad, but I attribute this to the fact that I drink more water. I think it is increasingly difficult to empty the bladder, but.
Types of cervical mucus is dry (ie) no electricity, sticky, creamy (like lotion), water and protein
Watery CM and protein will be fruitful. The egg white CM is very elastic. It can be extended by about 2 cm before it breaks. As the cycle approaches the fertile CM a lot of changes in the order listed above. But not all women experience all kinds. So you have to experiment to learn about their own CM.
2. 8-9 DPO, which have not been implemented may be missing. The installation can occur between 6-12 DPO.
3. I have 6 weeks, 5 days pregnant. I'm mad, but I attribute this to the fact that I drink more water. I think it is increasingly difficult to empty the bladder, but.
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